Commit To Love

Robert Dabney Jr
2 min readMar 4, 2021

A Proverb A Day 03/03/21 (D.I.M. Ministries)

Photo by Rafal Jedrzejek on Unsplash

Let love and faithfulness never leave you;

bind them around your neck,

write them on the tablet of your heart.

Proverbs 3:3

There’s been many times, I’ve needed to remember something but had no way to record it. Instead of risking the loss, I’d repeat the important phrase or phone number in a sing-song way to myself. Creating some sort of mental impression that would last just long enough. When I succeeded, it was because I made it to a computer, phone, or notepad to write down what was on my mind.

On the other hand, there are things I have no problem remembering. In fact, I can recall my Grandmother’s telephone number without hesitation. In spite of the fact, I haven’t physically dialed it in over 20 years.

Our mind is “smart” like that. It intuitively knows what information is important to us and what isn’t.

I’m sure this isn’t new information for you. We all have those small details of the past, that we can bring to mind as if it happened yesterday. One of the reasons this happens is because of the emotional value we’ve (intentionally or unintentionally) attached to such tidbits of information. On paper, my Grandmother’s 10 digit phone number wouldn’t stand out from any other American phone number. What’s made her number stay with me till today is the love and admiration I had for the person attached to the other side of the number, My Grandma.

Interestingly enough, our everyday actions can be just as fickle or as fine-tuned as the examples above.

As you go about your day, do what you can to remember the love and faithfulness Our Father has shown towards you, throughout your life! No matter how long it’s been since you’ve called out to HIm, He remembers you with the greatest precision. If fact, His knowledge of you goes to the very depth of your heart, your innermost desires. He knows them and wants you to live a life that reflects those desires, because He created you and placed them there. He wants what you want. Go get them!

But first, you must have the right heart. After all, there is nothing more damaging to a person than to be rewarded for dangerous or harmful behavior. That’s why this proverb is a reminder to the one seeking God’s peace and prosperity in their lives that they must make the principles of “love” and “faithfulness” mean as much to them as Mrs. Mary Dabney’s phone number meant to me. With these powerful principles guiding your every step, your life will begin unfolding in ways you’ve never imagined and the person you were always meant to be will confidently walk the Earth.

Proverb of the Day: Proverb 3



Robert Dabney Jr

My ultimate mission is much larger than being a writer. I’m a storyteller changing the World. Join me!| IG: @rjscribblez | @vetprk