Constipated Thoughts Vol. 1 Ep 16

Robert Dabney Jr
3 min readDec 29, 2020

“D*mn, I’ma be a failure, surrounded by thugs, drugs, and drug — paraphernalia…”

-Jay-Z (This Can’t Be Life)

I need to forget this verse for good.

It pops up, when I’m feeling overwhelmed or confused about life.

I have a deep desire for my life to be valuable for as many as possible! This is important to me.

I want God’s investment in me to increase exponentially. I am the servant given 5 talents but returned with 10!

But how? Where’s my lane? What’s my “wheelhouse”?

I ask this question often enough, but can’t seem to get any answers.

If only I knew which direction to go? What goals will provide the greatest return and how can I add the most value during my time here?

Do I spend too much time thinking about this?

When I go, I want to have used up everything God gave me!

Repeating negative and self-limiting thoughts will only keep me stuck in place and I need to “Keep it moving!”

I never again want to feel stuck or out of place. I know where I belong and negativity got no place in it!

It’s not that I’m hiding from failure. I value the opportunity to learn from failure so I’m all for it!

Yet, my goal is to live a life that’s reflective of the value it holds.

So, this verse isn’t in my future, it’s more representative of the person I was. I will survive, I will win, I will be fruitful! God didn’t send me here to chill.

I got work to do!

If I ain’t working, I ain’t living!

Doing what?




Who knows?

God does.

I just wish He’d let me in on the secret. So we can get busy!

I’m out,

Robert Dabney Jr


My ultimate mission is much larger than being a writer. I’m a storyteller making generational change.

One of my goals is to encourage more black males to pursue entrepreneurship. In fact, it was while pursuing this goal I discovered that the best way to achieve this is by being a phenomenal entrepreneur myself.

A. G. Gaston’s motto, “find a need and fill it” is what led me to VetPark.

The Veteran community has a tremendous need, one greater than homelessness and high incarceration rates. We are suffering from a National Suicide Epidemic and the National Veterans Affairs Healthcare System is overwhelmed and short on answers. So Veterans everywhere are taking this opportunity to find a solution to this pressing need.

That’s where we come in!

As a Charitable For-Profit VetPark fills two needs:

  1. We connect/fund Veterans with/in a diverse range of Alternative Therapies that have been scientifically (and experientially) proven effective in the treatment of PTSD, TBI, and Chronic anxiety/depression. All of which contributes to the Suicide Crisis.
  2. We make supporting Veterans entertainingly* simple.

We have a long road ahead of us, so buckle up!

Visit us at for more info & subscribe to our Newsletter to stay up to date on the happenings!


Robert Dabney Jr, Founder

“Helping Our Heroes Heal”

*The high quality entertainment is an added bonus.

Image: “Starling Pact” by Veteran Artist Don Wesley



Robert Dabney Jr

My ultimate mission is much larger than being a writer. I’m a storyteller changing the World. Join me!| IG: @rjscribblez | @vetprk