Reach for the Light
A Proverb A Day 03/02/21
For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6
I’ve been a person curious my entire life. As a kid, I loved taking things apart to see inside. I was always surprised at the millions of tiny parts that made a clock or a remote control work. But, I was never able to figure out how all those tiny thingamajigs made my TV change channels.
No matter how many electronics I’d open, I couldn’t figure out what made them function; that frustrated me. Eventually, I realized that my understanding of how things worked came, once I understood the individual parts themselves. It was at this point, I discovered that I wasn’t interested in electronics, after all.
But what I did learn to love was learning itself.
As I look back, I can see that I wasn’t truly fascinated with seeing inside those old gadgets; I was fascinated by the rush of positive energy my mind felt as I discovered something new! Something I’d never seen before. It wasn’t the thingamajigs themselves that I was interested in but it was the unique shapes, sizes, and colors of those tiny parts that reminded me of all that was out there! Outside of my Community, outside of my City, outside of my Country and this thirst for knowledge and new experiences has taken me all over the World. To major cities like NYC and Paris to towns only known by the residents themselves in Macedonia and Mississippi.
Regardless of where I’ve gone one truth has remained consistent throughout my life is that I must remain teachable.
I will never be in a position of “knowing it all”, but there is One that does. He’s made it His purpose to ensure all the questions you have are answered as well! The World doesn’t have to remain as confusing as the guts of your iPhone! God wants to turn your darkness to Light, all He asks of You is to Trust Him.
Proverb of the Day: Proverb 2